Local forecasters are predicting high heat and humidity over the next two days. With high temps comes an increase in electric usage, but there are ways to limit your use. Below are a few tips to minimize the impact of heat in your home:
- Keep draperies and blinds drawn during the day's height, minimizing the amount of heat coming into the home from the sun.
- Use ceiling and other fans. Moving air circulates the cooled air throughout the house.
- If you're using central air conditioning, set the thermostat a few degrees higher and use the fan setting rather than auto.
- Cooking in the microwave and grilling out (after the sun goes down) mean less heat in your kitchen.
- Spend some time in air-conditioned places like the library, mall, or movie theater.
Residents are also encouraged to keep themselves hydrated with plenty of fluids, such as water and fruit juice, and to keep an eye on senior citizens, children, and people with health problems who may be more susceptible to heat stroke or exhaustion.